Lincoln Heights Lutheran Church
Homeless Ministry
A group packs meals on Sunday mornings and take them to the homeless in the area. A message of hope in Jesus is delivered along with the meals. Though many in the world have forgotten them, the Lord has not and will not.
Pollinator Garden & Prairie Restoration
Polk County Conservation helped us plant a garden to attract pollinators. You can see it as you drive by to the left of our driveway. Stop and walk around to see the flowers and the many pollinators (bees, wasps, butterflies and more) it supports. A large section of the church lawn has been returned to native Iowa prairie. Look to the north of the parking lot to see what lots of Iowa looked like in the past.
Adopt a Street & Sayer's Park
We help keep our neighborhood clean by picking up trash at Sayer's Park and on Watrous Ave (Fleur to 9th St). If you see any trash building up, let us know so we can keep our neighborhood clean.